Kinesiology therapy in Abbotsford means ‘movement study’. The term is also used by complementary medicine practitioners to describe a type of treatment that uses muscle monitoring (biofeedback) to look at what might be causing the ‘imbalance’ in the body and try to relieve this imbalance.
The Kinesiology therapy in Abbotsford method examines the ‘unresolved stress response’ in a person and provides strategies aimed at assisting the body’s natural healing process.
Kinesiology comes from chiropractic. It is also based on the ancient Chinese acupuncture technique. Unlike applied Kinesiology therapy in Abbotsford, in which muscles are tested for strength, newly developed forms of kinesiology use muscle monitoring as a biofeedback method in the subject.
Many diseases of the nervous system can affect muscle strength. Kinesiology therapy in Abbotsford is based on a dynamic health model (not a medical one). There is little evidence of basic philosophy and benefit applications.
Patients with acute whiplash-related disorders of the cervical spine who were treated with KT felt less pain and had more range of motion both right away and 24 hours later. However, the long-term results were the same for both groups.
Choosing a kinesiologist can seem like a hard task, especially for people who have never worked with one before. If you do kinesiology right, it will help you build a strong foundation in your life, whether you have chronic pain, are recovering from an injury, or are just trying to be healthier. Contact the Canadian Kinesiology Therapy Association to find a registered doctor in your area. But because there are so many kinesiologists with different amounts of experience and certification, it can be hard to tell them apart. Ask your doctor for a referral.
During your first visit to the Kinesiology therapy in Abbotsford doctor, ask about their training and qualifications. Do not continue with any doctor who advises you to discontinue your regular treatment, as this should only be done in consultation with your doctor.
How do we use Kinesiology, and what do we need? Kinesiology, which is pronounced (kin-easy-ology) uses your body’s biofeedback system. This is done through precise muscle monitoring and is based on how your body works. This method takes away the need to guess.
Our professional Kinesiology practitioner protocol gives the body access to the most important corrections it needs to fix the problems at their roots. Problems often start with small signs that are easy to miss. These symptoms change and get worse, to the point where the body can no longer make up for them.
As the brain starts to organise itself for greater competence and deletes inappropriate responses based on past experiences, you are free to make your own decisions, which leads to positive change and balance.
Kinesiology therapy finds the sources of stress and imbalance in the body’s systems and fixes them.
Kinesiologists say they are able to use muscle monitoring techniques to gain information about a person’s well-being and to promote physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.
Abbotsford is taking advantage of the low prices, the high quality, and expertise Provided by Muscle therapy in Abbotsford.
Kinesiology in Abbotsford aims to bring balance to the whole person by helping the body heal itself. Each of the kinesiology modalities has its own health benefits, and how they affect you will depend on your situation, your practitioner, and the treatment you get.
For example:
In the 1920’s orthopedic surgeon, R.W. Lovett, did a program to test and measure muscle strength. His work was further developed by Henry and Florence Kendall in 1949 and they produced a book entitled ‘Muscle Testing and Performance’. Kinesiology therapy in Abbotsford, as we use it today, was founded by George Good-heart in 1964. He was an American chiropractor who realized that by using a specific massage technique to start and end a patient’s muscles, he could increase muscle strength.
He called this the origin and preparation of implants and invented these new therapies Applied Kinesiology therapy in Abbotsford because he used the information collected to study muscle response (kinesiology means `learning to move`).
George Goodheart became famous for his ability to solve health problems that no one else knew and taught these techniques to chiropractors, osteopaths, and medical doctors.
Through accurate muscle testing, George Goodheart and other ICAK members have identified where physical imbalances occur and can present a variety of features to find the most appropriate types of treatment to help restore balance to that individual.
This means that all the medicines may be tailored to the individual needs. In collaboration with Chinese medical theory they have found links between muscle reactions, meridian strength and related organs. They link it to Chapman’s neurolymphatic massage points and Bennet’s neurovascular grip points.
One study found nutrients that could support the re-balance of various dietary systems that could have a negative impact on these regions. The emotional attachment that contributed to or caused the inequality and structural degradation was also identified and corrected.