One of the most common problems in our society today is low back pain. Much of this is derived from the new practice of sitting. These days most of what we need to do day to day is done seated. Most of our day is spent sitting, whether we’re working, driving, or just taking it easy. This is a major cause of low back pain. Medela Rehabilitation brings you the best low back pain treatment in Abbotsford at an affordable price.
Our experienced team and extensive knowledge on how to help with low back pain. There are a lot of things we can do to help ease the pain and pressure in your back. We can use these to help heal your body and educate you on how to take care of your injuries long term. Low back pain can cause flare-ups or spasms in your back, which can happen randomly or when you move in a certain way. It can also cause muscle weakness, which can change your posture, and general tightness in that area, which can be caused by an injury or by the back trying to make up for other problems, like a weak core or weak glutes.
Low back pain can also be caused by injuries or breaks in the spine, damage to the ligaments and tendons in your low back, slipped discs, scoliosis, and other things.
Our Physiotherapists, Massage Therapists, and Kinesiologists will work together to help create a plan that works best for you. Our priority is your safety and to provide you the best results possible. Feel free to give us a call today for a free consultation to learn more on how we can help you!
Your provider will ask you about your symptoms and do a physical exam. Your doctor may order imaging studies to check for broken bones or other kinds of damage. These tests help your doctor see clear pictures of your vertebrae, discs, muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
Your provider may order:
Your doctor may also order blood or urine tests, depending on what’s causing the pain. Some conditions that cause low back pain have genetic markers that can be found in blood tests (such as ankylosing spondylitis). Kidney stones, which hurt in the side, are checked for in urine tests (the sides of the low back).